Why are taxpayer s being forced to subsidize Ivy League universities that have endowments in the tena of billions of dollars and growing?  These same universities have move administrators, non-teaching positions. than they have students.  I wonder how much of those hundreds of billions being given to these colleges every year find their way back into the pockets of corrupt politicians, corrupt politicians in both political parties.  It certainly looks to me like the gop establish-ment in both houses of congress are very reluctant to cut funding for these boondoggles, Why is that unless they are getting kickbacks also?  They are most likely getting much less than the devildemo-commiecrats but i their reluctance to look into this is led by them having their hands out also.

The new Secretary of "Education" under President Trump, Linda McMahon, has pledged to eliminate the entire department as an unconstitutional infringement on states rights.  Sadly, the department that squanders hundreds of billions of tax dollars every year was started by the totally incompetent idiot, jimmy carter.  The bottom line is that the department of "education" does nothing but make education almost extinct in favor of marxist indoctrination and enriching corrupt politicians and bureaucrats.  On top of that the gop establishment pays lip service to reforming government to the benefit of We the People while perpetuating business as usual in the federal government.

Harvard and Columbia combined have endowments of nearly $100 billion yet get almost $1 billion per year in tax money and students come out dumber than when they started.  Young people are being indoctrinated into marxism instead of being educated.  We constantly hear that teachers aren't paid enough art any level despite trillions of total dollars being spent by the federal, state, and local tax funds.  The reason teachers aren't being paid enough is that most of the money confiscated from taxpayers is going to pay administrators.

House Speaker Mike Johnson has promised that if the current CR, a total scam used by corrupt political hacks, is passed the substantial waste, fraud and abuse discovered by Elon Musk will be dealt with, but will he?  Sadly, when the gop campaigns on
reeling in government" and win control of government waste, fraud, and abuse based on those promises they conveniently forget the promises that got them elected. A blind person can see how duplicitous the gop establishment is when it comes to carrying through on the promises they make.  It is quite clear the promises mean nothing to them, they are only lies to get them elected   Their promise "if you elect me I will (fill in the blank)" is only a campaign tactic that 99% of them have no intention of doing.  I find it ironic that if I lie to them it is a felony punishable by many years in prison but if they lie to me it is "campaigning", and the gop is just as guilty as the devildemocommiecrats.

I submit this in the name of The Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

Bob Russell

Claremore, Oklahoma

March 21, 2025

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