
  • Bankrupt big Pharma... I certainly hope so.

  • These people always make me laugh!  Sh3 sure is worried where he4 nex million will come from!

  • Funny, Warren has a Contributor who honored her with $30,000,000.00 for her campaign. His name, the contributor, is "Other." And "Health," is about 6 million. Nice work...
    And, while I am looking, I see a category for Misc Health, for $644,500., and a category for Pharma/Health for $625,580., and Health Services/HMOs, for $598.000.00. If I can add, I think it is $1,868,080.00, plus "Other." Or $31,868,080.00.

    • oops, I think I left out the 6 Million, so now it's $37,868,080.00.

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