
  • Can someone explain how we remove justices?  In PA, we elect justices, so we can vote them out.  But, some states do not have that ability.  In states where you can vote justices in and out, perhaps that state is heavily liberal and they keep voting liberal justices in.  With the SCOTUS, justices are installed for life.  Meanwhile, if we can remove liberal justices, liberals could, could remove conservative justices.  I understand that Jeanine is basing her case upon justices who break the law.  I am not finding fault, I am truly interested and quite curious.  Do any of you have thoughts?

    • Can the Court impeach a judge?

      Many people believe that impeachment is done through the judicial discipline process–but this is not how it happens.

      According to the Pennsylvania Constitution, a judge can only be impeached for “misbehavior in office” by the state House of Representatives. Articles of impeachment are then presented to the state Senate, whose members decide on either conviction or acquittal.

      If convicted, a judge is removed from office and disqualified to hold any future state office of “trust or profit.”

      Can the Court impeach a judge?
  • YES, judges too, can and should be IMPEACHED, defrocked, stripped of their JD's and NEVER allowed near a courtroom again!!

    • Law schools, like med schools, like all schools, need to be completely revamped. All 'laws' that violate our Natural rights need to be tossed to the wind. LIke a Master's program's components scrutinized, in order to be deemed worthy. What passes for law, if it is not one for all and all for one, without exceptions, is prejudiced. No thing that calls itself one sex but is another, and gets away with just inventing new terminology, is law. Only travesty. No law that impedes upon sacrosanct private property, is law. WE need to get really clear, really 'all for one' with law, as we can no longer count on law proptecting us. Whether it's the 1st A or the 2nd A, codes, rules, ordinances, have all come to take the place of actual law, and we need our LAWS to stand up on their own, and not be propped up by the force of govco.INC. or any angency, pretending to have the law in their pocket. They are nothing but Stalin's, Hitler's, Pol Pot's, etc. 

      If that happened here, what I am saying, the entire world would follow, one brave leader after another. And it would be a two-fer, taking down the judges who fail at 'practicing.'

    • What I am referring to is the difference between "De Jure" vs "De Facto."  DeJure is law, natural law. De Facto is "as IF" it is law. Simple.


    • You are welcome, Richard. Codes written by govco. employees, are not law, nor can they ever be law. This, incidently, proves the IRS is an unlawful agency operating de facto, as it it is law. It's the same thing as dog licenses, they are city codes. Since when do we license private property?? Same for farm animals. Once someone understands 'de facto' vs 'de jure,' it becomes a dominoes of cascading realizations of what the hell they have done to us. How we got to a place where govco 'required' baby 'vaxxines' in order to let our kids get the education that we already paid for. ... 2 + 2 + 2 = neverending 'de facto.'

    • How do you construct, address, and distribute blast e-mailings, Richard? I have sent out e-mails with addressees using the address bar, the CC address bar, as well as the BCC address bar. Those e-mails went to groups of twelve people to 250 people, but you shout out that you will send it to America.  How do you accomplish that to any appreciable degree?

    • I understand  it was intended hyperbole.  That is why I used the phrase "appreciable degree."  You write, "I have tried to make the addresses go from East to West in the hopes that some of the recipients will forward that info.”  From where do you get those addresses?

    • Richard, answering your question of me:

      In the address bar, enter one address followed immediately by a comma.  A blank space after the comma may, or may not, be required.  Type in the next address and the comma and perhaps a space.  Continue in like fashion.
      Do the same in the CC address bar and/or in the BCC address bar if you wish.  The CC allows the principal recipients to see who else is receiving your e-mail.  The principal people and CC people will not know who is listed on the BCC as it is "blind carbon copy."  I love the BCC.  You can place the recipient addresses on a sheet of your word processor.  When accomplished with commas and spaces, highlight, copy, and paste your list into the appropriate address bar.  I hope this helps, Richard.
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