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  • What we are really discussing here is our specie's built in FLAW which our founders tried to "outlaw" in this new land across the sea'.

  • The bottom line is DID WE LEARN ANYTHING that can be applied going forward, This is not the final crisis we will encounter going forward, Congress can hold all the  hearings going forward they want to but in the end it will be like all the other hearings NOTHING will have been accomplished and NO ONE will be held accountable

    Its completely understandable why the American People have lost faith in Government, Its investigation after investigation, Hearing after Hearing and no conclusion or accountability, TRUTH has become what WASHINGTON WANTS IT TO BE NOT WHAT IT ACTUALLY IS, AND WE THE PEOPLE ARE LEFT ASKING WHEN IS TRUTH AND ACCOUNTABILITY EVER GOING TO BE EXPOSED?

    • And we shall still  pay their salaries with our taxes or A national collapse shall occu and they'll fly off to their tropical paradises..

  • What about all of the medical professionals who lost their jobs, licenses and livelihood for prescribing hydroxychloroquine? 

    • Desposible for the end goal, they stood for their principles and their oath to do no harm! A bigger question is......what about the medical professionals who went with the government program, allowed people to die to keep their jobs? 

    • Well, from them. ILONA it seems as if those "Medics" with that particular CHARACTER FLAW would be the ones to make up a modern day THIRD REICH.  They should have their medical credentials taken

  •  What the Hell has gone haywire that various medical professionals now succumb to $$$ powered politics over the well being of their "fellow human beings".  Apparently Not nearly enough teaching about the third reich and what makes such an evil group tick has been TRULY RESEARCHED, DOCUMENTED and TAUGHT.   FAUCI belongs in jail FOREVER.

  • So, why is he not in prison? Too important?

    • ADMIN

      He's protected by the swamo....for now!

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