This isn't an either-or proposition... enforcing our laws is not multiple-choice. The US Constitution clearly assigns the Duty to 'TAKE CARE' that the laws be faithfully executed... directly to the President in Article 2, Section 3, of the United States Constitution. 

The President's reluctance to use his Constitutional authority to put down insurrection... has led to widespread and growing riot, insurrection, arson, assault, and now murder.... with each new day the Insurrectionist grow bolder and more violent.  The Nation stands in awe wondering why the President has not acted to defend the citizens of the United States against insurrection AND.... and those local and State Officials (Mayors and Governors) who refuse to maintain law and order in their respective states.

This is not only a matter of putting down organized insurrection by radical leftist groups... the President must address disciplining those local and state officials who have permitted the civil rights of their citizens to be violated by riot, insurrection, and anarchy...  He must identify, indict, and prosecute those public officials who have abused their public offices, to inflict terror in the heart of their citizens. 

The riots and insurrection are about lawless conduct in high places... it is about engaging politically orchestrated violence to undo the electoral process that placed President Trump in office as President.  Putting down the violence is not enough, it has become tantamount, to public order, that those behind the violence be identified, indicted, and tried for crimes against the People.

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  • The AG busy making the rounds and appearing on the weekend talk shows... when will he start prosecuting the criminals in DC...  Still no major indictments.

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