I'd prefer paper AND plastic and throw in a package of straws ...Reusable bags, a foul, stinking tribal badge of the environmental hipster, became mandatory on the West Coast and then on the East Coast as cities rushed to ban or fine anyone using plastic bags. Now San Francisco, which helped foist this toxic trend on the nation, is temporarily reversing course because of the coronavirus.

In the latest sign of how dramatically the coronavirus pandemic is altering the social landscape, even the liberal San Francisco Bay Area this week banned reusable grocery bags as a sanitary measure, dismaying recycling advocates who say durable sacks should still be allowed at stores.

Recycling advocates = environmentalists = advocates of human extinction for the sake of the planet

But we always knew that reusable bags were unhealthy. They spread disease, they nurture bacteria, they cause illness, and they kill.

All the studies and scientific materials on the subjects were ignored for the sake of the environmentalist agenda.

Among the updated requirements in the order, which lasts through May 3: "Not permitting customers to bring their own bags, mugs, or other reusable items from home."

Tragic. And here they'd gotten people to the point of carrying their own metal straws.

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