
  • Yep, and Obama's notoriously partisan "wingman" is still trying to remain relevant by appearing on any public platform that will have him. MSNBC would be bankrupt and in the dustbin of history already if not supported by the socialist, big government elites that support it.

  • America can't wait for these anti-American black slackers and liars are gone. This POS black commies (both, most likely) will be the end of America and freedom if 'LEFT' to continue their all-out assault on freedom as the 'whine and continue to demand more than their share with less than their effort. Holder is nothing but a 'LEFT' over '60's weatherman radical that assisted OhBummer as they tore their way thru our leagal system, lying, cheating and obfiscating truth. America should try these traitors and punish as deserved.

  • That is the LIE they are telling while the biden regime is actually doing it with their approval  !!!!!!!!!!

  • This one word rankles me beyond belief. Why don't you just admit, it is mob rule, the majority of one.

  • Corrupt Obama "wingman" is making a comeback to stop the Trump MAGA win.

    • ...which is easy to do with a salary of $25K a week. Another slimy criminal let loose via OhBummer's puppet BiteMe.

    • Better a "go to.....", and you know what I mean!

  • This criminal and his boss started this road we are on, now having Biden as the puppet, they are finishing the job of destroying this country.

    • Make that this criminal and his criminal boss got this started and our supposed govenrment does nothing about it.

  • Why am I not taking ol' Fast and Furious seriously?

    Oh yeah:

    Two found guilty of murder of border agent in 'Fast and Furious' sc...

    Two found guilty of murder of border agent in 'Fast and Furious' scandal
    Two men were found guilty Thursday of murdering U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry with guns supplied by the U.S. government.
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