George Floyd mourning - Imgflip

Capitol Architect J. Brett Blandon told lawmakers Wednesday damage from January’s Capitol riots will likely cost $30 million to cover adequate mental health services, art repairs, and enhanced security.

“The events of Jan. 6 were difficult for the American people, and extremely hard for all of us on campus to witness,” Blanton testified before the House Appropriations Committee, warning the price tag will go even higher if the new fence expanding the Capitol’s perimeter borders gaslighting the public is kept past March.

The steep estimate will likely present sticker shock to Democrats who whistled past repeated outbursts of so-called social justice riots all last year. The riots were kicked off by two weeks of carnage in the immediate aftermath of George Floyd’s death and produced a colossal estimated $2 billion in damages during those 14 days alone.

Two weeks of havoc in the nation’s cities exhaustively endorsed, excused, and celebrated by leftists and their allies in the corporate press left the nation with 66 times the devastation than an afternoon of Capitol chaos in January roundly condemned by conservatives and exploited by Democrats.

The $2 billion figure estimated by Property Claims Services (PCS) in September labeling the Floyd riots the most destructive episodes of political violence in recent American history doesn’t include the subsequent outbursts for the remainder of the year, from the more than 100 days of consecutive chaos in Portland to the explosive unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Leftists, however, either turned a blind eye to the carnage emanating from the Democratic base or sought to excuse the militant conduct under the moral righteousness of social justice.

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  • In today's America it is obvious who counts. Radical left agitators count while patriots are vilified. That's big time messed up.

    • no kidding it's going to get worse as the day goes by.

  • All Antifa members should be shot.

  • Mental health services - what do we have in Congress?  It seems like they are a bunch of pussies!  Blanton is nothing but a lying hypocrit.  There is not need for enhanced security - Pelosi and several others including FBI knew about the upcoming trouble before it happened.  But did nothing!!!  That seems to me like they were conspirators.  Let the conspirators pay for the repairs.  

    All we hear from the left and the lame stream media is very very very questionable.  To my way of thinking and from the little reports I can find, I believe they might have planted left-wing agitators in with the peaceful protestors.  We also now know that the officer who died, probably died of a stroke.  If he was in poor health, why was he at the protest? 

    I guess it is perfectly okay for Seattle,Portland, Kenosha and Minneapolis to be destroyed because that was done by the urban terrorists the Democrat party supports.  But peaceful protestors have to be rounded up and charged with a crime even if they did norhing but go to the Trump speech.  


  • Time to take beck our UNITED STATES OF AMERICA from the Socialest Communist Liberal Develcrats on April 4th ????

  • Time to go back the old way - if you see a looter or a rioter, shoot to kill!

    • Yes, I agree, and also those persons that attacked the US capital should have been shot, or tased with an extra powerful weapon.

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