
In now-President Trump’s first electoral race, polls showed his rival Hillary Clinton leading him consistently.

But we all know how that ended, with Hillary becoming nothing more than an annoying wannabe Twitter troll.

Now, polls are showing Trump down again, this time to now-Democrat nominee Joe Biden. Trump, in turn, is saying that polls are underestimating him again, and now, even Politico agrees, according to the Daily Wire.

Politico said that pollsters “are still grappling with the problems that plagued those polls four years ago,” especially in battleground state polls.

The outlet continues, “[I]n fact, most pollsters believe that, on balance, state polls are overstating the scale of Biden’s advantage. That was precisely the problem in 2016: The national polls were largely accurate, to within the margin of error. But there were too few state polls, and many of those that were conducted failed to collect accurate data, especially from white voters without college degrees in key swing states. And those issues haven’t been fixed.”

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  • Something is no right the way pollsters work. Biden doesn't have the energy of a leader. He's a bit like jelly. You put Trump just next to him and very quickly you get it, it doesn't make any sense to vote for Biden. Everytime mainstream media, Biden and leftists attack Trump, they're actually helping him. Each time pollsters are telling us Trump is low and behind Biden, guess what, in reality, Trump is gaining market shares. VOTE TRUMP in November!

  • Good! Let them get  cocky again  like 2016 and watch Trump clean their clocks. 

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