
A conscious decision was made to ensure that every allegation made in a recent legal challenge filed by the Trump campaign in Georgia was substantiated by expert or eyewitness testimony, attorney Cleta Mitchell said.

Mitchell is an attorney assisting the Trump campaign in its legal efforts to protect the integrity of the vote. The campaign recently filed an election contest in the Peach state alleging that several election officials committed “repeated violations of the election code,” resulting in illegal votes being cast and counted.

The contest petition, filed on Dec. 4, identifies several groups of people who voted illegally, including “2,560 felons; 66,247 underage voters, 2,423 votes from people not registered; 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes; 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state; 395 individuals who voted in two states; 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election; 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county; and another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification.”

Mitchell, who has been focused on preparing the recent Georgia case, said every claim presented in the petition is grounded in fact and that eyewitness accounts were vetted to ensure that the most salient were included in the lawsuit.

“There’s not a single allegation in the contest petition that is not substantiated and supported by either a sworn affidavit under penalty of perjury by an eyewitness or by an expert who has studied and analyzed the state’s election data,” Mitchell told The Epoch Times’ “American Thought Leaders” in a recent interview.

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    • P/S Timing is nothing if nothing is done to capitalize on the facts as they present themselves... it does little good to postpone decisive action to wait on other events for additional support... it is like failing to exploit a breach in the enemy lines while waiting for the flanks to close up... personal initiative and exploitation of opportunities as they present themselves don't wait on the timid.

    • Marlene...

      We are dealing with Marxist and they could care less about reality or the truth... information regarding the very real possibility that our supposed President-Elect has been in bed with sedition, treason, and the Chicoms DOESN"T MEAN it changes anything for the Marxist Democrat Party or the SCOTUS ... which FRANKLY... all appear to be compromised.  Even the newest of the SCOTUS members are sending out signals that they may not be as conservative as we expected.  Betrayal is a wholesale business in DC and the betrayers appear to have a corner on the powerhouses in government.. including many in the GOP itself.

    • I take that response to mean that timing is not everything and that the urgency of the situation calls for consideration and preparation for the worst-case scenario... we must not leave any stone unturned in the defense of our Nation...  and yes I do say. And as far as the Marxist ideology is concerned... you hit a home run... refusal to hear, see or acknowledge the existence of voter fraud ... does in their mind render it nonexistent.  That is why the MSM and social networking are in lockstep denying it happened.

  • There is only one problem... during this election cycle, when have the State Election Officials, the Democrats, or the Courts consider the facts or let the fact get in the way of stealing the election?  The public is being lied to and the MSM and Social Networks are carrying the day with their version of fraud ... by censoring all debate except that which supports Biden's claim to victory.  The Truth indeed is becoming stranger than Fiction... as the MSM and Political operatives spin the bottle only to land on their favorite brand of fraud every time. 

  • It appears that they are all tied into the Dominion sale of the computer system and election software... They are quite probably CRIMINALLY culpable for the election rigging...   Just because they have an R in front of their name and office doesn't mean they are Republicans... it is more likely that it means RAT...

  • There is plenty of proof of FRAUD but devildemocommiecrats and their deep state gop TRAITOR allies won't admit it because they know biden lost and hope their deceit can throw it their way!!!!!

    • What is really troubling and problematic is the lack of a unified front by the REPUBLICAN Party... The leadership in the party have not provided a unified and powerful front of public support for the President, condemning the FRAUD and Election Law violations.  It looks like the RNC/GOP wants Trump to lose?  The GOP leadership appears willing to THROW the game... to capitulate without a real fight.

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    • I agree... ammo up 

    • VP Pence, acting in the Office of President of the US Senate, should refuse to seat or certify any Electors from those states with massive voter and election fraud... the Constitution and statutory law permit him to challenge any electors he deems selected fraudulently or unlawfully... based on his sole judgment. 

      Should VP Pence disqualify sufficient Electors to make it impossible for either candidate to qualify as the new President... then the 12th Amendment devolves the election of our next President to the House of Representatives, where each State Delegation receives one vote for President and the candidate who receives a simple majority vote by the State Delegations becomes our next President.

    • Numbers should not matter... as there is no way to know with certainty just how many fraudulent votes were cast for Biden... What does matter is that the Election Laws in Ga and at least 4 other states were grossly violated and that alone should disqualify any ... ANY SLATE OF ELECTORS THE CROOKS CERTIFY AS LEGITIMATE.

      One doesn't have legitimate electors when the laws governing the election have been violated ... it doesn't matter how many times the law was violated... one time is enough.

      America is no longer a Nation that respects and enforces the rule of law...

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