
  • Nothing except the Lord Jesus will be able to stop them

    • Yes, the Lord is our only Savior. I like to think He enshrined in human being, His creation, all the tools we need to survive and take care of ourselves. He gave most of us a brain, instinct, and the will to live with Him being our only guide. We have been unbelievably tolerant of the injustices and loss of liberty that has come through this regime. I think that is evil. 

  • Thank you Lara Logan.  I wish you were MSM so that we can hear more of what you have to share. 

  •  The word TREASON needs to become the 'go-to word' to describe the Marxist cabal operating as part of our government... In every public address, interview, and Town Hall we must identify treason marking it well... as it is widespread and endemic in America's citadels of power. The traitor must not be given access to the public forum without being called out for their treason.

    One cannot WIN A WAR without first IDENTIFYING THE ENEMY and when they are part of the community they must also be isolated and sternly dealt with ... we can not continue the leadership in our government to engage in open insurrection and treason.  Know your enemy

    A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

    Discover Marcus Tullius Cicero famous and rare quotes. Share Marcus Tullius Cicero quotations about age, virtue and war. "A nation can survive its fo…
    • P/S  

      Know your ENEMY... it isn't the common man on the street, it isn't the Black, Red, Yellow, or Whiteman, it is the political class and their allies that have brought us to this point in time. If there is to be civil war wage it upon your enemies ... not your neighbor or fellow workers... not those who have faithfully worked all their lives to support our Constitution and its Republican form of government...

      For More See:

      Know Your Enemy... mark them well.
      Know your ENEMY... it isn't the common man on the street, it isn't the Black, Red, Yellow, or Whiteman, it is the political class and their allies th…
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