

  • Yep, and our elected federal representatives continue to isolate themselve from We the People and hide behind executive orders and judicial rulings. The centralization of political power in the Washington DC swamp has had a predictable effect, and it is NOT GOOD for We the People of the States. Our Union is between sovereign States according to the Constitution and our elected representatives have a sacred duty to the citizens of those States, first and foremost.

    • They have no intent of representing. All they want is to rule.

  • I still question "why" we have no direct access to Soeaker Johnson; no email address, no "", no way to connect with him on facebook- -I've tried all those and got "zip"! And if I called the capital switchboard, he would never get the message.  I believe he does NOT want to hear from any of US!!

    • BINGO- JUNE.  One just has to Conclude his oratorical skills from BOTH SIDES OF HIS MOUTH are EXCELLENT. He can asume a title as THE FIRST RINO-COMMUNIST.

    • Because they don't want to talk anything but rhetoric.

  • It was all political and Pelosi is guilty but as usual nothing will happen to her

    • If we can get DJT back in the Oval Office, that might all change; he has promised to "drain the swamp" and she is a large part of it!!

    • Absolutely true.

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