Former Deputy White House Chief of Staff Zach Fuentes denied to Breitbart News The Atlantic’s account of President Donald Trump’s comments about troops in Europe.
Fuentes unequivocally denied The Atlantic’s report last week, a huge blow to the establishment media narrative. Fuentes personally briefed President Trump on the weather situation that led to the trip being canceled. He is also a close personal confidante of former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly.
“You can put me on record denying that I spoke with The Atlantic,” Fuentes told Breitbart News on Monday. “I don’t know who the sources are. I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think General Kelly would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?”
He specifically also stated that he believes The Atlantic’s sources “are unlikely first hand accounts.”
“They are conflating those people from something the day after,” Fuentes said.
Fuentes also told Breitbart News he is upset that Trump has been speaking negatively about Kelly.
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I am a 30 year Marine and NONE of the military I know believe this lie.
Trump has been the biggest supporters of the US military after obummer let it go to shambles. The fake news is fabricating another lie. Thank God for Trump who talks honestly and straight to the American people.