
  • Until SCOTUS correctly and finally says, plain as day, that diversity, equity and alignment is racism----meaning, at all times, in all situations, and in the face of all delusional thinking, until that happens, this filth will continue to weaken our work force,  subvert our business outcomes and products. 

    If hiring illegal aliens is illegal, then so is hiring unqualified persons. If those unqualified people then cause the ruin of others, then, that company is responsible. What if the god or idol of diversity causes the hiring of a bunch of air traffic controllers, who are 20 pts lower in IQ than what is necessary to do the job? What about surgeons? What about military explosives "experts?"

    The idiots are in charge in ODOT. Some roads have 6 names. Signs are as far away as possible from the drivers who need to actually, first find the sign, and then read the thing. No more sign closest to the lane that needs it. Two highway changes on I75 and I70 are complete examples of idiiots in charge.  One is a death trap with a bunch of death trap arrows. The other puts the sign AFTER the new hairpin exit. I watched a semi skid to make that hairpin right after the thing was opened to traffic.

    What used to be common sense and in alignment with all federal standards is now a mess, at least in SW OH. The irony of it all, is because whatever degree of equity and inclusion took place in each instance, universities have now stepped up and built new Master's programs in UI/ UX. Students have to pretend to be a somewhat handicapped person, or aged person, or young parent with kids, or other, and analyze the difficulties in travelling by car,  plane, etc., or even going to the zoo. "What is needed to facilitate needs in traveling?" That is x what v they have to learn or relearn----when all of this all used to be common sense. And still'---unyielding qualification standards had to be met.

    It's a slippery slope to stupid.


    • Any wonder that law schools have instituted remedial writing classes?

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