A new lawsuit launched in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts is one of the first in the United States that argues that ‘fraud’ was perpetrated on the American people during the Covid pandemic.
The lawsuit is brought by John Paul Beaudoin against Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, the public health examiner, the chief medical examiner, and additional medical examiners. It brings forth evidence that over 50 cases of deaths the state coded as Covid-19 deaths were in many cases strongly linked to recent Covid-19 vaccination
“This Complaint is a request for injunctive relief where the source of fraudulent misrepresentation, purposely conducted, continues to harm both Plaintiff and the public,” the plaintiff argues. “As a matter of equity, third party liability should be considered. In fairness and equity, the harm must cease forthwith; and the Court has the discretion to do so pre, pending, and post-investigation of the fraud claims herein.”
“Relying on false information obtained through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”), sourced, in part, from Massachusetts Department of Public Health (“MA DPH”), Massachusetts School of Law (“MSLaw’) instituted a COVID-19 vaccination mandate for all students and staff,” the lawsuit continues. “Plaintiff, a rising second-year law student, refused the vaccination because he has four pre-existing health
issues consistent with thousands of COVID-19 vaccine injuries reported to VAERS even as of April 2021. Moreover, the Plaintiff’s sincerely held religious beliefs prompted him to apply for a religious exemption offered by MSLaw. MSLaw never apprised the Plaintiff of the status of his application for a religious exemption. Rather, the only ‘statu’ that the School acted on was the Plaintiff’s student status, which the School unilaterally, capriciously, and arbitrarily changed to ‘unenrolled’.’
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It's amazing to me that so many Americans are so willing to take "the Jab" knowing that the pharma is not willing to stand behind their product. It's amazing. How could anyone trust a vax that the producers themselves do not trust enough to stand behind?????
"''First do no Harm '' Law written after the Nuremberg trials 1946 , that exposed the medical atrocities & experiments ,they illegally performed on the POW's . ''No law or government can force the taking of an experimental product '' The mNRA spike protein is not a vaccine but was marketed as one . Key words here EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCTS. Doctors can no longer claim well '' I was just following orders '' . They have all forsaken their oath , they committed treason and crimes against humanity . They need to be held accountable , judged , convicted and sentenced to death . The FDA-CDC-WHO-BIG PHARMA , are criminals & mass murderers . Along with their treasonous, bought & paid for , corrupt politicians , who gave the pharmaceuticals IMMUNITY against injuries and deaths caused by their deadly jabs , they need to be arrested ASAP . Fraudci , must not be allowed to be above the law . That little hobgoblin is responsible for countless thousands , nay millions of injuries & deaths . The biden crime family , the clintons, bushes, obamma + so many more , the Alphabet Agencies + the corporations who owns them , can no longer escape the law . DEMS are the enemy of the people, as the libs are enemies to the people in Canada... Only our UNITY will end their attempt @ global genocide......".
That's not the only fraud committed by the current government.
This appears to be much more than fraud.... it may well be murder or manslaughter as the science now clearly indicates the vaccine is deadly and that children should not be given it. Fauci and others pushing UN population control measures need to be charged with mass murder or some form of manslaughter
This no longer is a CIVIL matter it has become criminal...
At the very least, "fauxi", gates, who, cdc and all involved in this vaccine fraud NEED to be charged with "international genocide". I can relate other "horror stories" caused by these "lab cultures", like the very healthy (friend of mine) who became a "hemopheliac" overnight, massive internal bleeding, requiring multiple blood transfusions AND eight rounds of chemotheapy. Thankfully, the specialist, called in to see her, "recognized" the problem and knew how to "fix it", before it became fatal. She was within hours of death. I thank God every day. She still refuses to believe what I have tried to explain to her about this "faux vaccine".
Thank you COL. Yes, what Fauci, the WHO, Bill Gates, and so many other agencies have done can be counted as premeditated murder, as the so-called vaccine (it's not a true vaccine)is filled with other substances, designed to reduce the world's population. Pres Trumps 1st wife died within a couple of days after getting 2 boosters! A young actress from South Africa, beautiful and talented, died within days of having the shot! Any the stories could go on and on. My sister got the shot thinking she was "doing the right thing"! She was sick for 8 months after getting it,and she may find out in a couple of years that the repercussions of it are taking her life! I pray not! AND, we know Fauci made about $9 million in profits from the sale of the drug he's been pushing so hard!
It is terrible and SO SAD! I pray God brings these people down in disgrace soon, before more people suffer terrible results of it!
God bless you and your family and keep you safe!
IMHO they ARE guilty of "international genocide" - - -
Lawsuits like this always end up in extremely liberal states . Do not understand why.
Judge shopping... liberal organizations shop both cases and judges... bend the rules and brek them ... whatever it takes to win. Get the local prosecutors and grand juries to indict those pushing the fraud for murder or manslaughter... make it a criminal offense and the jurisdiction will remain local.
They should have taken the case to another state like Texas or Florida