
Newly released notes confirm President Barack Obama’s key role in surveillance and leak operation against Michael Flynn, the incoming Trump administration national security adviser. The handwritten notes, which were first disclosed in a federal court filing made by the Department of Justice on Tuesday, show President Obama himself personally directed former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates to investigate Flynn for having routine phone calls with a Russian counterpart. He also suggests they withhold information from President Trump and his key national security figures.

The handwritten notes from fired former FBI agent Peter Strzok appear to describe a Jan. 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting between Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Comey, Yates, and then-national security adviser Susan Rice. The meeting and its substance were confirmed in a bizarre Inauguration Day email Rice wrote to herself.

It was at this meeting, which was confirmed by testimony from Comey and Yates, that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration.

Yates told the special counsel that Obama broke the news of Flynn’s phone calls with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak to her during the Jan. 5 meeting. Yates detailed further involvement from Obama. “President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia,” she wrote in her email.

The new notes, which record Comey’s accounting to Strzok of the meeting’s substance, constitute definitive evidence that Obama himself was personally directing significant aspects of a criminal investigation into his political enemy’s top foreign policy adviser. An image of the notes is reproduced below. This is a rough transcript of the unredacted portion of the notes:

NSA-D-DAG = [Flynn cuts?]. Other countries

D-DAG: lean forward on [unclass?]

VP: “Logan Act”

P: These are unusual times

VP: I’ve been on the intel cmte for ten years and I never

P: Make sure you look at things + have the right people on it

P: Is there anything I shouldn’t be telling transition team?

D: Flynn –> Kislyak calls but appear legit

[illegible] Happy New Year. Yeah right

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  • The wicked are like the wind, never ceasing, and ever-present, they escape justice for the lack of restraint among the righteous...Where Evil is exalted the righteous fail and the people suffer for lack of justice.  When the righteous put their hope in the hands of the wicked justice is delayed and evil prevails.  A nation without God is like the righteous man without a covering... he is exposed to all the elements of the world.

  • Obama makes a call for "rule of law", and here is exposed once more as the ultimate scofflaw. If our Justice Department had any cojones, and if we had a MSM worthy of the name of journalists, this would be front-page news for weeks. As it is Barr doesn't want to act and the MSM yawns. Biden said that the Obama administration was "scandal free", but this was only true because the MSM did not report the widespread scandalous activity in his administration. 

  • Oh, YES, please - -this jackwagon deserves  charges and prison even more than anyone else I can think of at the moment; he is an egregious fraud and deserves the death penalty!  All of his enablers deserve to follow in his footsteps.

  • AG Barr better reconsider his not wanting to pursue criminal charges on Obama. You are not exempt from criminal activities just because your black. 

    • AG and District Attorneys should be fired for not enforcing the law...  Any time a prosecutor has the power to decide what laws will be enforced and which will not we have unearthed the ROOTS OF 'dictatorial power' ... Arbitrary law, the picking, and choosing of who is privileged and who is not...   AG Barr and his ilk are a major problem with justice in America.  Pettifoggers are a major problem ... their profession is the genesis of a new-age aristocracy. 

    • I got you but on the other hand, the Black lives matter is destroying the cities, Antifa is doing the same thing the government let them do that's mean there is no law here in America.

    • Another case of reverse racism?

    • I will repeat this over and over again Obama is safe because he is so-called a black man and if anything happened to him all hell will break loose just like black lives matter he has American people in the palm of his hand.

    • If our government were to respond properly to ALL HELL BREAKING OUT... the left may have an epiphany.  It is the failure of the government to enforce our laws and to properly dispatch insurrection and riot.  Those who riot, commit arson, and domestic terrorism need to be severely dealt with... not coddled or excused.  Shoot a few hundred of them and they will settle down ... or they can continue to fill graveyards for their unlawful riot.  The government should not be taking a knee to these criminals ... The Government should be giving them a knee to the groin not their demands.

    • send this to Obama because he was at the white house for 8 years.


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