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  • If therre is anyway to enrich themselves the CLINTONS will find a way, and its NEVER QUESTIONED, 


    BASKING IN THE RADIANCE OF TRUTH.11028648272?profile=RESIZE_584x
  • While much of the Canal’s original USA legislation expired upon turnover of the Canal to Panama, one key treaty relevant to U.S. and Chinese influence in the Canal remains active with no expiration date.

    The Treaty Concerning the Permanent Neutrality and Operation of the Panama Canal,.. the Neutrality Treaty, between Panama and the United States guarantees permanent neutrality of the Canal with fair access for all nations and nondiscriminatory tolls. Only Panama may operate the Canal or maintain military installations in Panamanian territory.

    The United States, however, reserved the right to exert military force in defense of the Panama Canal against any threat to its neutrality. Any interpreted Chinese threat to the Canal’s neutrality could activate the U.S. forces through this treaty, meaning current and future Chinese interventions should be calculated with this potential response in mind

    Terms of the Treaties
    Panama Canal Treaties: How Treaties are Ratified.
  • All their money will do them no good when they face Jesus

  • NoSlack, prison hell no A Short Rope and a Tall Tree!!! Hang by the neck until Dead.

    • My thoughts exactly


  • TREASON... enough said as nothing will be done about it... Because -it is supported as part of the Marxist insurgency destroying  America.  Both Political parties are complicit.

    • You have that right Col. Nelson.  But then they are Marxists, so unless we have a change in government, nothing will be done.


    • Agree 100%

  • Yes, this is treason and should be stopped.  Biden, Harris, Clinton, and Soros all need to be tried and put in prison if convicted.

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