“Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report and what the American people are allowed to hear?” Mr. Cruz asked. “And why do you persist in behaving as a Democratic super PAC, silencing views to the contrary of your political beliefs?” https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/oct/28/cruz-and-twitter-ceo-clash-over-crackdown-anti-bid/?utm_source=Boomtrain&utm_medium=manual&utm_campaign=newsalert&utm_content=newsalert&utm_term=newsalert&bt_ee=Renbq%2FeKS30HcB10ZY%2FY5ENUWNZnhQOlSW5uXGd9OFzZu1x10CHd2NsYKRw2pIDa&bt_ts=1603904709448
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