
  • Too many RINO'S

  • Don't expect the legal profession to step up to anything controversial... not endorsed by a major party or the elite.  Elected and appointed legal professionals have been hand-picked and groomed by the Deep State or local plutocracy.... they were educated ... No, make that indoctrinated... by some of the finest indoctrination mills in the world... Harvard, Yale, Princeton, George Washington Univ.  etc.

    These legal professionals are not about to risk their careers... over defending what they have been told is an outdated and antiquated Constitution and system of justice.  They for the most part are cut from the same clothe as the lords of Scotland who abandoned the commoners on the fields of Falkirk... for titles of nobility and new estates.

    • Going to Harvard, Tale, Princeton etc isn't a bad thing on its own. President Trump, Governor DeSantis, Ramaswamy, and plenty of others attended these schools. We the people just need a strong, decisive, honest, capable, smart, educated and ethical leader like President Trump (Wharton '68) to assume total authority over all branches of government to clean up the mess we are in. We know that President Trump keeps his promises and can indeed make America great again. Just look at what he accomplished in his first term. 

  • Give a dog a milk bone and try to take it away from him ! That's what you have in DC across the isle !

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