
Facebook has reportedly disabled the account of former U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant John “Tig” Tiegen, one of the men who helped defend the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in 2012, now a conservative activist and public speaker.

Tiegen is known for his role in defense of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, while he was working for Annex Security, a private security company.

Teigen and others helped defend the embassy, in defiance of a stand-down order, fending off attacks by radical Islamist terrorists while embassy staff were evacuated. The fact that no U.S. troops were sent to relieve the embassy became one of the stand-out scandals of the Obama administration.

Tiegen shared a picture on his Twitter page showing a message from Facebook informing him that his account is disabled. According to the message in Tiegen’s screenshot, Facebook told him that his account was disabled because it “did not follow our Community Standards.”


The censorship occurred after Tiegen and others organized a “Patriot Muster” — a gathering of conservative activists in the city of Denver. read more here:

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