
Americans are facing a presidential election more crucial to their freedom and wellbeing than perhaps any election in their nation’s history – and yet which has become a total charade, a farce, a massive pretense in every way.

Virtually the entire “mainstream media” – the Democratic Party’s propaganda wing – loathes the fearless incumbent Donald Trump, even as he suffers from COVID-19. What does it matter that he resurrected the U.S. economy, made America energy-independent, destroyed the ISIS caliphate and largely kept his campaign promises, all while fighting off a never-ending coup d’etat against him? Most media figures hate him, while fiercely supporting – and actually pretending to venerate – the challenger, Joe Biden, a feeble, unprincipled, constantly lying and shockingly corrupt do-nothing career politician whose mental disintegration is now so obvious and advanced that he can barely speak coherently without a teleprompter or days of rehearsals.

Everyone paying attention, of course, realizes that Joe Biden is simply a smiling, failing and soon-to-be-discarded Trojan horse, in the bowels of which impatiently crouch the radicals, socialists and Marxist revolutionaries who plan to burst out and rule America should Biden win. That includes, first and foremost, his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, who the independent “ranked most liberal compared to All Senators” in 2019 – that is, further left than flaming socialist Bernie Sanders.

So, with Election Day in less than a month, let’s venture a little deeper than the usual formulaic analyses pundits offer to explain today’s surreal political landscape.

In fact, let’s start with one utterly obvious truth that almost no one is willing to publicly express: Today’s Democratic Party is insane.

“Insane: not of sound mind; mentally deranged; unable to think clearly; utterly senseless; demented; frenzied”

Consider the classic, oft-cited example of a true statement so clearly self-evident that everybody acknowledges it: “2+2=4.”


Not anymore.

* New York City’s Brooklyn College math education professor Laurie Rubel is so “woke” she recently claimed that insisting 2+2=4 “reeks of white supremacist patriarchy.” Yes, really.

* The Democratic Party insists it can change the earth’s weather by adopting a bizarre socialist-totalitarian program that would completely destroy the U.S. economy, eradicate Americans’ constitutional rights, kill millions of jobs and plunge the nation into inescapable chaos, anarchy and depression. The Green New Deal’s estimated cost approaches $100 trillion, more money than the gross world product – that is, the annual economic output of every nation on earth combined.

* In an era of skyrocketing violent crime, the Minneapolis City Council recently pledged not to merely “defund,” but to entirely “dismantle” its city's police department, while over a dozen other U.S. cities have promised to “defund” theirs. Meanwhile, as Democrat officials demonize America’s police as racist bullies and prosecute innocent citizens for defending themselves against violent mobs, they are also freeing thousands of criminals from prison, ending cash bail so offenders can get back on the street immediately after being arrested to offend again, and encouraging violent revolutionary mobs to rob, loot and burn America’s cities night after night. And then they blame it all on Trump.

* Sen. Bernie Sanders, who many believe would largely set the agenda for a Joe Biden administration, has publicly insisted that Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who killed three people including an eight-year-old boy and injured 280 others, must be allowed to vote from prison, along with all other convicted felons in the country.

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  • Demonic suits them better.

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