
On Tuesday, the Twitter account of famed attorney L. Lin Wood, who has represented Richard Jewell, Nicholas Sandmann, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, and now Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old charged with fatally shooting two people in Kenosha, was locked for supposedly violating Twitter’s terms of service. Wood had already posted about raising money for Rittenhouse’s legal defense.

Wood, furious, told Fox News that he intended to sue Twitter and its CEO Jack Dorsey, asserting, “I’m going to take Jack Dorsey’s ass down. He has been abusing the First Amendment of this country for his own agenda.”

Wood stated that his account was locked for “glorifying violence.” He continued, “I knew they were going to censor me because I’m sending a message of hope. I’m sending a message of truth. And I’m sending a message that Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent.”

“To the outside, Wood’s account looked like it was working normally, with no notifications or warnings on his tweets. But a screengrab of Wood’s account shared with Fox News shows his account ‘has been locked for violating the Twitter rules.’ Specifically, Wood was dinged for ‘violating our rules against glorifying violence,’” Fox News reported.

Wood stated, “Everybody thinks I’m still on it unless they know I’ve been blocked. That’s why we’re getting the word out they censored me for nine hours. I have no idea how to get back on. They didn’t give me any instructions.”

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  • Go for iit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • Sure hope he can bankrupt Twitter with a lawsuit

  • Nazis and Comminists did the same thing in prewar Germany, by taking over the press and shutting down any voices that opposed them. This is just another page from their playbook!

  • One of the few GoFundMe projects I would contribute to. Is there a gofundme type site that is credible somewhere such a fund could be started?

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