
  • Fauci wants to keep his $450,000.00 a year gig, WHO IS KIDDING WHO.  Fauci is the one who said "you can go have sex with a stranger!!!!!!  Wear two masks......He's a NUT JOB!!!!!

    • I would say that Fauci is dangerous because he has been taken seriously by people in positions that affect whole regions of the World. If not for that, he would be just another kook.

  • I never paid any attention to what that leftist jackass said from day 1.  fraudci is nothing but a deep state globalist hack looking for personal gain by selling us out to satan and his globalist owners!!!!!!!!!!

    • good for you Bob.

  • We don't need to listen to Faucci - -the report put out, yesterday, by John Hopkins University Medical Center and written by a professor/doctor- -Cases have dropped 77% (seventy-seven) since Jan.9, 2021; according to all available data, the US has achieved 55% (fifty-five) herd immunity; this should be over by April, 2021 and things back to normal.

  • Bible prophecy is being fulfilled right in front of our eyes the Devil is behind all of this

    • Absolutely correct! Many of our people in charge are demonic! 

    • Jo, they aren't "our" people they are satan's people but I totally agree with your point!!!!!!!!!!

    • Jeff, AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!!!!!!

  • the coronavirus scamdemic is about control not health just as gun control is about control not safety.  I HAVE NOT AND WILL NOT EVER wear a mask.  I don't "social distance" and am not afraid because God is for me.  Most of those who died did so from other causes but using coronavirus hype scares people into submission to tyranny and makes money for hospitals and doctors on the devildemocommiecrat payroll.

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