Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute for Health’s (NIH) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the United States. He is also the highest-paid employee in the entire federal government. According to Forbes, he made $417,608 in 2019 and is on pace to make $2.5 million from 2019 through 2024. In comparison, the annual salary of the President is $400,000. So, he must know his stuff, right?
Dr. Fauci has been a key voice during the Covid Pandemic and has made decisions that have affected the entire country. He is most notoriously known for his ability to turn on a dime when setting policies designed to protect us from the virus that originated in Wuhan, China. Given his salary and position, you would think that such health matters during a pandemic would be consistent and not change, but that has not been the case during the Covid Pandemic, especially when it comes to wearing masks. It all started simple enough, wash your hands, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, stay home if you are sick, and keep socially distant, but nothing was ever mentioned about masks. Over time, wearing masks and inconsistent messaging is what Dr. Fauci would be most known for.
February 2020
Americans began to test positive for Covid-19, and preventative measures were being discussed to keep people safe from contracting the virus. While speaking to USA Today, Dr. Fauci says, “If you look at the masks that you buy in a drug store, the leakage around that doesn’t really do much to protect you,” he said. “People start saying, ‘Should I start wearing a mask?’ Now, in the United States, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to wear a mask.” Dr, Fauci continues, “We have more kids dying of flu this year at this time than in the last decade or more,” he said. “At the same time, people are worrying about going to a Chinese restaurant. The threat is (we have) a pretty bad influenza season, particularly dangerous for our children.” In February of 2020, Dr. Fauci was more concerned with influenza than Covid, yet never once considered issuing a recommendation for masks to be worn in public even when his own words point to the concern that more children have died of the flu than at any point over the past ten years or more.
March 2020
Less than a month later, Dr. Fauci sits down for an interview with Dr. Jon LaPook of “60 Minutes” about the Coronavirus, or Covid-19. In that interview, Dr. LaPook asks Dr. Fauci point-blank if Americans should be wearing masks, and he responded:
“The masks are important for someone who is infected to prevent them from infecting someone else. Now, when you see people, and you look at the films from China, South Korea, or whatever, and everyone is wearing a mask. Right now, in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks.”
April 2020
The issue of masks begins to change in April, and the CDC reverses their decision and recommends people cover their faces while in public. Fauci follows suit and, in an interview on Fox and Friends, says, “The better part of valor when you’re out, and you can’t maintain that six-foot distance is to wear some type of facial covering. An important point to emphasize, though, is that should never take away the availability of the masks that are needed for the health care providers who are in real present danger.”
The discussion on Fox and Friends was centered around data collected by the medical platform Sermo that stated 37 percent of 2,171 physicians surveyed who treat COVID-19 patients “felt” hydroxychloroquine to be most effective in treating the virus. Fauci’s response seemed strange, given his comments made during the “60 Minutes” interview a month earlier. When asked about the study, Fauci replied, “We don’t operate on how you feel, we operate on what evidence is, and data is.”
read more here: https://uncoverdc.com/2021/05/04/fauci-unmasked/
I don't have any respect, nor do I have any credibility in Fauci or the Communist Democrats, period. They all need to wear a plastic bag on their heads!!
Totally agree. I like the plastic bag, but I think we need to make certain if fits snuggly and can't be removed until - well you know.
a rope around their necks and a quick drop through a trap door has a nice ring to it!!!!!!!!!! TREASON used to be a hanging offense but now so many in both wings of the new world order socialist party are corrupt, on the payroll of Nazi war criminal george soros (who is financed by satan!!!!!!!!!!
Dr. Fauci: A man of many differing opinions.
At the beginning of this corona outbreak Fauci told the world that wearing a mask served no purpose whatsoever. But when the democrats decided it was vital to them politically that the public be conditioned to obey their government, he did an about-face and decided that wearing a mask was now an absolute necessity in combating covid-19. I believe this was when The Constitution and its Bill of Rights was discarded. And now, right on cue, that senile moron Joe Biden jumps in with his “Masks by Force” doctrine.
I must concede that Fauci probably knows as much about this corona virus as anyone else. After all, Fauci, Dr. Ralph Baric, and Bill Gates’ money developed it, patented it, and subsequently released it on the world. I guess that would qualify him as an expert.
Once Fauci was traced back to Bill Gates it became obvious that everything out of his mouth would be to promote Gates’ agenda. His lies and distortions have caused the death of thousands of people. Even now he does his best to convince doctors not to use a drug that could save lives. His guidelines instruct democrat governors to restrict the use of proven life saving drugs in their respective states. His next move will most likely be to advise a strict lockdown to deal with “The Second Wave”.
America’s most significant problem is not corona virus or civil unrest or even conflict with China. The total destruction of our justice system is the worst thing that’s happened to our country. It has made us vulnerable to any and all of the scams the world’s billionaires can dream up. The average man will probably go to jail for stealing a sandwich when he’s hungry. The so-called elites of this world can commit any crime ever devised by mankind with total immunity. Gates, Soros, The Clintons, Obama, etc…etc… the list is endless, have committed enough crimes to send thousands of people to prison for millions of years.
Every day a reporter or a TV investigator discovers a new crime or new cover up. SO F***ING WHAT !!
No one is going to be held accountable, no one is going to prison, and no one is going to be kicked off the gravy train. The worst thing that can happen to one of these criminals is to lose their job and get a taxpayer funded pension that will allow them to live like a king for the rest of their life. Until these bastards are prosecuted and do some real prison time, no average citizen can possibly have any faith whatsoever in our so-called “Justice System”.
Demonic to the core and welcome to Demon possess nation.
Fraudci is only interested in personal wealth and fame, just like the rest of the satanic left, including ALL devildemocommiecrats. He flops around more than a fish out of water, only caring about how he can exercise unConstitutional power over We the People!!!!!!!!! I NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL COMPLY with the idiotic power grabs of satanic leftists!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!! HE's got a goooood "GIG" going on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ?WHY? would he PHUQUE IT UP!!!!