[EU4] USA vs China (Yuan). Epic Blob Battles Bonus Episode ...

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is opening a new China-related counterintelligence case about once every 10 hours as it pushes back against Beijing’s expansive campaign to steal American intellectual property (IP) and influence policymakers, FBI director Christopher Wray said in a speech on July 7.

Wray warned that Beijing’s counterintelligence and economic espionage operations are the “greatest long-term threat” to the United States’ economic and national security.

Its stealing of U.S. technology and trade secrets is on a scale “so massive that it represents one of the largest transfers of wealth in human history,” he said in a speech given at the Washington-based think tank Hudson Institute.

His remarks come as the Trump administration ramps up its actions and rhetoric against the Chinese regime in a range of issues from its coverup of the CCP virus outbreak to its tightening grip on Hong Kong to national security risks posed by Chinese telecom companies.

White House national security adviser Robert O’Brien recently warned that the United States would push back against Beijing’s malign activities. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Attorney-General William Barr are expected to address similar issues in speeches in the coming weeks.

In one of the most detailed speeches by a U.S. official on the threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the FBI director detailed the regime’s “broad, diverse campaign” to steal American IP and exert undue influence over U.S. officials at all levels of government.

“China is engaged in a whole-of state-effort to become the world’s only superpower by any means necessary,” Wray said.

“It can execute that campaign with authoritarian efficiency,” he added. “They’re calculating, they’re persistent, they’re patient, and they’re not subject to the righteous constraints of an open democratic society, or the rule of law.”

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