
  • This man should replace Wray now.

  • I wonder how those in the FBI who are true Patriots feel about American Patriots who call The FBI, Gestapo, Brown Shirts and Traitors to America feel about what the FBI is dong to bring down America. If they are true patrots and I truly believe there are many in  the FBI who are American Loving Patrots need to devise a coup to arrest those Traitors and try them for Treason

  • What is need is a Convention Of The States ,sooner the better !

    • What would you hae them do, and how would that improve anything?  Our present Constitutional system is fine as constructed.  Problem is you have the American Left/ie. Democrats who do what they want; ignore laws, steal elections, etc., and too many Republicans, and yes, conservatives, content to let them do it!  I fail to see how a Conventon of States would improve those underlying problems.  Mostly it would be the "Red" States who would participate in the Convention; America's problems originate in the "Blue" States who would continue to ignore positive solutions in variance with their LW ideology.  

    • Thank you for defining the issue. All this talk about a COS etc is dangerous and unneeded. Our "system" isn't broken and does not need to be replaced. The criminal traitors who have hijacked it need to be removed and dealt with.

    • What would be your solution?

    • Thanks for the question.  The 2 posters who followed me: M Lopez, and Ken Bitner answered your question very well for me.  Nothing else really needs to be said.  

    • One might change the managers in the Shadow government, and eliminate Departments, and Agencies that duplicate responsibilities.  America has allowed the bureaucracy (Shadow Government/Deep State), to get too large.  We need to enforce the Constitution and dump Acts and laws that we really don't need.  

    • How about we simply follow our current Constitution and enforce the laws we already have?

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