FBI Paid Twitter $3M for “Processing Requests"

FBI Agent - Imgflip

So far the TwitterFiles and whistleblower reports revealed massive security failures inside Twitter. On the other hand, Twitter had hired a dozen ex-FBIers and was constantly engaging with the FBI.

Yet, curiously, the FBI never seemed to be focused on getting Twitter to secure its systems. Instead, the FBI wanted information and was providing millions in compensation.

The FBI reimbursed Twitter to the tune of more than $3 million as it pushed the social media company to ban accounts and target so-called “foreign influence” operations, the latest installment of the “Twitter Files” revealed on Monday.

In an email dated Feb. 10, 2021, an unidentified Twitter employee told then-deputy general counsel Jim Baker and then-general counsel Sean Edgett that “we have collected $3,415,323 since October 2019!”

Baker was another FBI vet.

$3 million in a company the size of Twitter wasn’t massive, but it was enough to incentivize a higher degree of compliance. When the FBI calls Bob and demands information, it isn’t cutting million-dollar checks.

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  • My fallow Americans we must vote for President Trump so all these agencies be cleaned from all the corrupt 

    • Lorenzo, your comment is music to my ears!

  • How much more evidence do we need that the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DOD, and the rest of the letter soup is corrupt to the bone? We desperately need President Donald J. Trump to come back to clean up this mess and make America great again, just like he did in his first term.

    • We the People are the only ones who can clean up this mess, but electing a president who is faithful to the Constitution would be a good start. Donald Trump, with all of his imperfect human faults, was the most constitutional president in my lifetime with the possible exception of Ronald Reagan. But if we don't get actively involved at the local grassroots level then nothing is likely to change.

    • We the People need to flood emails to these corrupt, treasonous "officials" demanding their Resignation and also emailing our representatives demanding investigations of these corrupt, treasonous individuals. 

    • Imperfect human faults? Like what? - Trump gave himself selflessly for the good of the country and its people. He gives millions to charity, he donated his entire presidential salary, he is a self made billionaire, his business ethics are beyond reproach, he still made it big in New York City where the mafia runs the construction business, he is a benevolent leader, he is considerate, well spoken, educated, yet down to earth, he is a loving father and husband, etc. etc. So, what faults are you talking about?

    • All human beings are imperfect creatures, it's a part of being human and one can argue that Trump listened to some really bad advice in the early years of his presidency. But all things considered, I still consider him one of the best chief executives that this country has seen in my lifetime.

  • Here again  some people  are in severe need of jail  time. 

  • The US government authorized executive branch agencies, such as the FBI, DOD and other alphabet soup bureaucracies to fund propaganda in the mainstream and social media during the Obama administration in a NDAA bill. This funding has only increased in recent years since that time, with many of these advertisements from numerous executive branch agencies not so cleverly disguised as "public service messages". This bureaucratic and boldly partisan propaganda machine supported by the tax dollars of US citizens must be defunded if we are to save our constitutional republic. We need more state legislators and governors with enough spine to join the call for an Article V Convention of States for a return to individual freedom and independence from centralized federal government control.

  • The question to be answered WHOM IN THE FBI AUTHORIZED THESE PAYMENTS?  DId these funds come out of their budeget? or were they unauthorized payments without the approval of Congress? Someone has a lot of explaining to do let us see if anyone is ever held accountable based on what we the people have seen lately these quesions will go unanswered. It seem the FBI and the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE hve become political partisans and have forgotten their intended purpose.

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