
Two pipe bombs left at the offices of the Republican and Democratic national committees, discovered just before thousands of rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol, were placed the night before, federal officials said Friday.

The FBI said the investigation had revealed new information, including that the explosive devices were placed outside the two buildings between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. on Jan. 5, the night before the riot. The devices were not located by law enforcement until the next day.

It is not clear whether that means the pipe bombs were unrelated to the next day’s riot or were part of the riot planning. Both buildings are within a few blocks of the Capitol.

The incident has been particularly concerning for law enforcement as officials step up security preparations ahead of the Senate’s impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump. For weeks, investigators have been worried about the potential for attacks on soft targets in the nation’s capital.

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  • Please see an Epoch Times interview of an expert witness to the riot on youtube, titled “Agent Provocateur Tactics Seen at Jan 6 US Capitol Protest”.  

    I keep seeing "Agent Provocateur" and "false flag operation" around the internet.  NO SURPRISE TO ME!!!

    • The Epoch Times is one of the best publications ever. 

  • Someone had better be asking how a Metal Pipe Bomb in a backpack made it past security... and managed to be abandoned alongside of these buildings.  With all the surveillance cameras in DC, it is hard to believe that the FBI doesn't have hundreds of pictures of this suspect...with a much clearer view of his face.

    The Capitol Police and Congressional Secuirty need to be fired.... if they failed to detect a lone backpack abandoned beside a government building under their watch... 

  • Even if they knew the identity of this antifa scum they can't arest him because it was just a peaceful protest.

  • No doubt this was an antifa agitator. 

    • Or BLM

  • Democrats shock troops at work here?.....................Jury of our peers votes?

  • Next thing you know Pelosi will claim Trump's fingerprints were found on them. 

  • There is no doubt that it was Antifa in their best.  They hate everybody but have no alternative plans for anything besides destraction,  They, along with BLM need to be designated a terrorist organization and eliminated one way or another.

    • They can't be both terrorist and protected, and since they were protected all of 2020 no matter what they did or whom they injured or how badly, it's not likely to change.

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