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  • The FCC director is a globalist and hardly a supporter of Trump... Martial Law is the key... under martial law, the net would be under the direct control of the US Military and the President.  Cut them off, shut down their access to the internet... that is as neutral as one can get... neither side has access.

    There isn't time to litigate an FTC complaint of unfair business practices and the FCC chair knows this... Mr. President declares Martial Law and pull the plug on the social media.. until the laws can be reformed and the media reigned in.

  • So what... just how is the President's Executive Order going to stop Twitter, Facebook or Google from rigging the news and public in favor of the Democrats.  I don't find any punitive action in the order...  And we certainly don't expect Nancy to allow a bill to retract Section 230.  How about an FTC ruling that prohibits removal or censorship of any political material from the internet...or those doing so lose their license to access the internet.

  • As Yogi once said... it isn't over until the fat lady sings... 

    It appears that Twitter is doubling down on their censorship... not letting up.   Pres. Trump needs to withdraw their licesnse to access the internet and do it immidiately... label them a Domestic Terrorist Group... deliberately undermining the nation's security and confidence in government.

    • Disqus too!


  • indecent language, unfortunately, might be considered indecent or common according to the perspective of the individual. However, at 71, I recall a time in my youth when saying "hell" or "damn" could get your mouth washed out with soap. That era is far, far gone. The problem underlying that shift is not the words, since those only manifest the real problem. Thanks to the Hollywood cartel, which has foisted upon America (and the world) the idea that good is bad and bad is good, that evil is to be embraced and faith in God is to be reclassified as nothing more than oral mythology without any basis in actual facts. What manifests from this is the Marxists' "critical analysis" propaganda about the concept and value of morality itself. Without rules grounded in morality we lose the values of honesty, straightfowardness, respectability, honor, compassion for others, the list is endless, but the result is devastating to society as a whole. But, unfortunately, this is where we are today, and it is going to get much worse if conservatives lose the 2020 elections. Everyone, Democrat or otherwise, who still believes in morality and innate goodness, should realize unequivocally that the 2020 elections are going to be a pivotal event for America and the world at large, and voting for these morons, anti-God, anti-America, anti-capitalist, haters will ruin America forever. If these Marxists win, the only solution will be a war of reclamation (not revolution). Despite the vote for socialist candidates, the law of sedition and treason still govern, and the right to reclaim America under the Constitution of the United States will still exist and our moral duty will be to reclaim this nation using whatever means necessary. Free speech versus censorship is but a symptom of things far worse, because it is this censorship that enables the alt-Left to continue garnering power and votes for November. Patriot groups are, however, gearing up to fight back, and our first step in this thus-far bloodless Marxist takeover is to win the 2020 elections where we can begin the shutdown of Marxism altogether. And we should do that. We should no longer tolerate as "freedom of speech" or "freedom of expression" these Marxist forces. The law about sedition and treasonous conduct qualifies the First Amendment. The Second Amendment protects the First Amendment. As patriots, we are tasked with the responsibility to save our own country. And so we must. 

  • I suggest to all to drop Twitter and go instead with Parler. No censorship. 

    • While I think you mean no censorship of conservatives there still needs to be under the communications DECENCY ACT prohibition of profane or foul language.  Freedom of speech should not include publicly indecent language!


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