The good news is that the hydroxychloroquine should save your life ...

Weeks after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration revoked emergency use authorization of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19, saying the drug doesn't help coronavirus patients and has potentially dangerous side effects, Henry Ford Health System filed for permission to continue using it.

The Detroit-based health system told the Free Press this week that it sought emergency use authorization July 6 to resume treating some COVID-19 patients with the drug, which is commonly used as an anti-malarial medication and for people with autoimmune diseases like lupus.

The request came four days after Henry Ford published a controversial study in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases that suggested hydroxychloroquine slashed the COVID-19 death rate in half. The peer-reviewed observational study contradicted other published reports that showed the drug doesn't help coronavirus patients and could cause heart rhythm problems in some people.

The FDA denied Henry Ford's request this week.

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