Fear not the righteous or his counsel... for the Lord keeps the feet of the righteous secure in the way... He surrounds the just with the Armies of Heaven and instructs them in the art of war... He bends the bows of steel and lays siege with the weapons of the Spirit. The Lord's enemies seek a way to advance only to flee seven ways.

Fear not the wicked... The wicked lay a snare for the righteous to return and find it empty... They lay in ambush to destroy the godly, only to be exposed and routed. Fear not Hell's fire, for the Lord hath put them out. He cages the whirlwind and holds the wicked in derision. The wicked shall fall by their own hands, set upon one another... Greed hath no friends, and the wicked are quick to seek a greater share of what is not theirs.

Know this the wealth and titles of the wicked are laid up for the just... In the End, the reward of the wicked shall be a Lake of Fire. The wealth and power of the wicked are reserved for the just... for the poor of this world shall inherit the wealth and powers of the world to come.


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