All the news that's fit to distort: - Imgflip

What the failure of independent agencies such as FEC tells us about the state of American Democracy.

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is an independent regulatory agency whose function is to enforce federal campaign finance laws, including monitoring donation prohibitions, and limits and oversees public funding for presidential campaigns.

Just yesterday, the FEC ruled that Twitter did not violate any election laws last year when it prevented users from sharing links to the New York Post news story about Hunter Biden.

Back in October 2020, the Post had carried an article covering Hunter Biden’s questionable business dealings in Ukraine while his father Joe Biden was vice president. Biden had even bragged about using his influence and that of President Obama to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating the matter and getting closer to the truth. At best this was a matter of conflict of interest, at worse it was a case of high-scale corruption and abuse of power.

An “independent regulatory agency” such as FEC should have instantly swung into action and ensured that the social media platform allow the free exchange of information. But that didn't happen.

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