Two federal courthouses in Portland have been forced to close and several other buildings in the city's downtown have been evacuated due to 'a threat of violence in the area'.
On Thursday evening, authorities reportedly 'received a threat that a vehicle filled with explosives would hit a federal building', which prompted the closure of The Federal Bankruptcy Court and the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse.
Staff were also ordered to keep away from a third federal building near Portland's Lloyd Center for all of Friday.
The threat also prompted an urgent evacuation of the Standard Insurance and Standard Plaza buildings on Friday morning out of an abundance of caution.
Oregon Live spoke with a source who said the threat had not been directed towards one particular building.
The alleged attackers also did not specify an exact time of attack.
According to the publication, the FBI is now investigating 'to figure out the credibility of the attack'.
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Phil, I agree with you, I've been saying all along that if we start shooting (or the police) start shooting those creeps will scatter and run like rabbits.
ANTIF are enemy combatants in uniform. WE CAN SHHOOT THEM BECAUSE OF IT!!!!..............ANYONE CAN!! Down the UMBRELLA HOLDERS FIRST!
This roaming horde of anarchists will quickly disappear once we MAKE THEM HAVE SOME SKIN IN THE GAME!!!
Note the Police Bicycle escort... instead of enforcing the law they are aiding and abetting the criminal conduct... acting as a guarantee that the rioters will not be prosecuted... time for Federal Intervention as the police are either unable or unwilling to protect the private law-abiding citizens of Portland whose property and lives are being put a risk...
I think President Trump is letting these areas destroy themselves so he can say "you want this to stop then elect Republicans in November"!
I sincerely hope he is not permitting the destruction... that is not the way to inform the public of Antifa and BLM's radical agenda... it is also no way to enforce the laws of the United States. Besides, it is a felony to allow a crime to proceed if one has the duty and power to stop criminal conduct...
The term “misprision” refers to the deliberate act of hiding the awareness of a crime or one about to be executed... For example, misprision exists when someone has knowledge that a crime is about to occur, and yet does nothing to stop it.
contemporary federal law also requires that the defendant take some affirmative act to conceal the felony. The crime has four elements:
(18 U.S.C. §4.)
Typical acts of concealment include making false statements, hiding evidence, and 'harboring' the felon. Whether someone’s actions amount to concealment is for the jury to decide.
See Misprision of a Felony... Link:
Kill Antifa!!
what's going on with the major and the governor?
since no one is being arrested for anything in portland related to the protest then it would be awesome if someone [or a group ] went to portland wore similar clothes and went around assaulting and harassing antifa. give them a taste of their medicine
Great Idea, since Law and Order does not exist, a group could go in there, bust some heads and not be charged...
Maybe they could kill a few of them.