
  • Neither the local or national media will report on this. It destroys their entire narrative

  • They have made no qualms about their purpose being to bring down the United States of America and replace it with a socialist/ communist form of government. This is treason plain and simple. As has been said prior, prosecute them for treason, convict them with their own words, and a swift execution..

  • The leaders of antifa need to be tried for treason, quickly and effectively. Trump should get the military involved, take over the police, do whatever is necessary to destroy the enemy within. That's the only way to preserve our freedom, liberty, national unity and a stable and orderly society.

    I'm fed up with leaving an organization like antifa untouched as they claim to fight fascism? What fascism anyway? Their own? 


    Is there an official list of US domestic terror groups? Is ...

    Domestic Terrorism is defined in the Patriot Act of 2001 but there are no lists of officially designated domestic terrorist groups... Why?  The Leftist Democrats don't want to find their favorite charity or children being officially listed as terrorists... Without the clear requirement by law or Executive Order to maintain an official list specifically designating various groups or individuals as Domestic Terrorists... no one is maintaining one.  Hence, the full weight of the law (Patriot Act of 2001) against terrorism may not apply to groups in the US who engage in Domestic Terrorism.

    Why would such a glaring shortcoming in the policing of domestic terrorism be overlooked or permitted? The Democrats are using this technicality to keep those funding Domestic Terrorism from being arrested and sent off to prison... The President can officially remedy this problem by issuing an EO that creates and designates the FBI to maintain a list of Domestic Terrorist Groups using current define the requirements to be placed on the list. That would put a very big dent in the activities of those groups by drying up much of their funding dries and open support by the MSM and others. Everyone needs to message the White House asking the President to create a Domestic Terrorist list and to provide the authority under current law to categorize various groups as domestic terrorists whenever they meet the statutory requirements/Definition.  See the Patriot Act of 2001 for the legal definition of Domestic Terror.

    The ACLU and others have asserted that there is no statutory law defining domestic terrorism as a crime... that other federal law must be used to prosecute Domestic terrorism.  Of course, they are obfuscating, in order to keep from having their favorite Marxist groups lose their funding... Domestic Terrorism is codified under the 2001 PATRIOT ACT as amended.  See below:

    Domestic terrorism. Under the 2001 USA Patriot Act, domestic terrorism is defined as "activities that (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the U.S. or of any state; (B) appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation...

    Is there an official list of US domestic terror groups? Is the Ku Klux Klan on it? - Quora
    • Excellent post sir. I too am retired military and I think the answer to your question of; Why would such a glaring shortcoming in the policing of domestic terrorism be overlooked or permitted?, could be answered quite easily. Just loook back at how the military operates, one hand doesn't know what the other one is doing alf the time, same with government only much more screwed up. 

  • When are portand and state authorities FINALLY going to get their heads out of their rectums and take decisive action to STOP THIS?

    • As long as you have flaming Democrats running states and big cities, they will welcome Antifa and coddle them like their favorite children. It is the federal government - the Attorney General - who needs to designate Antifa a terrorist organization along with many others.  Then they can be rounded up and as terrorists they don't even need to be charged, just held per the Patriot Act.

    • Exactly... Edie.  Listing or officially designating a group as a Domestic Terrorist Group gives the President  and law enforcement the right to pick them up and hold them indefinitely.  It also allows the government to confiscate their assets and to go after those funding them with criminal complaints... the funds will dry up and their assets will be ceased.

  • When is the President going to officially designate ANTIFA and BLM Domestic Terrorist Groups... giving the FBI and other federal law enforcement the tools they need to put them out of business.  We keep hearing the President describe these groups as Domestic Terrorists... Where is the EO directing the DHS to designate them officially as Domestic Terrorists?

    Since there is no specific law assigning a particular agency... FBI, CIA, DHS, DOJ, State Department with the task of designating and maintaining a Domestic Terrorist list and seeing that Domestic Terrorism is defined in the Patriot Act and codified in law... it is, therefore, legitimate for the president to issue an Executive Order, detailing which Department or agency will maintain a list of Domestic Terrorist groups and how one shall qualify to be placed on the list.  This listing and designation are necessary to expand the powers of the FBI and other US Law enforcement agencies to go after the funding and financial assets of Domestic Terrorist Groups... and to apply the no bail provisions for terrorists.

    • No, he talked about the necessity of doing it, but there has been no movement by Barr or an executive order.  

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