
  • McConnel should not even be in politics considering he is married to a Chineese Spy

  • This government has become sick and the disease is still festering. There obviously there is NO rule of law.  If there were someone would be held accountable and NO ONE EVER is.  This Administrative State has it's tentacles into every aspect of our lives. While many vent their obvservation and disgust at what I consider is a  "Political Take Over," Nothing really seems to be making much difference. The upcoming midterms may make a some difference, in my view it's too little too late...and I cannot trust the election process any more. The Left seems to want chaos and violence, but then they're never held accountable for what they instigate and perpatrate. I truly believe many Americans are feeling pretty hopeless.  I know the state of country impacts me greatly. This coup has been in works for eons. It now can no longer be denied because it touches all of us.  That will get worse.  Biden's last speech was a declaration of war on Conservatives particularly MAGA.  Odly I only see one side in this battle and it's

    not ours.

    • This is just the beginning 

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    • Forget what the Republicans going to do this is bigger than the Republicans and the Democrats put together now it's in the hand of the Devil bottom line

  • The one and only thing as responsible voters is to vote in Nov for MAGA conservitives

    • I agree with you but by voting in November is not going to take the problem away it is deeper than what it is.

  • The president is in charge of the FBI and all the Federal government that's mean that whatever the FBI did to Donald Trump is corruption beyond the norm its not even in the constitution,  if I was Trump I will go full force against Obama, Joe Biden Kamala Harris because what they did its not in the constitution. 

  • I would bet Biden does not even dress himself. They want the blame put on him so the DEM party does not. His wife probably does not even care and encourages them to do so because he is such a pervert

    • Actually, all silly jilly cares about is her ability to preen and "pose" as First Lady; notably she is NOT and he is NOT president, merely "resident" (at the moment).

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