Since today is inaguration day, most rational Americans are finally feeling safe with Trump in charge. I know the feeling, and it feels good. However I felt the same way on the first day of his last term. In fact I felt that way right up until Resident Joe Biden took over, and reversed almost every executive order Trump put out. Don't feel alone in that, because the Democratic liberals are going to feel the exact same way in a couple of weeks because of how our system now works.
Modern politicians with the exception of Trump, have turned the corner from even pretending to represent the majority of Americans, and have decided to divide the Country into two mutually exclusive political ideology camps. The ultimate losers are the American people. The politicians only seem to care about our wishes on how America will, be governed, and how the general law trends will proceed, on the run up to elections. All without any real input from the citizens themselves. So the politicians can keep playing the blame game, while keeping themselves in power at the expense of America and American citizens.
The American People are at a very serious, life changing, cross roads right now. On the Right, Conservatives in Congress are playing the "STATUS QUO" game because they believe the opposition will keep playing it like they have been since 1865. Unfortunately, the game has changed since the NWO/Marxist/Millionaire regime has taken over the Democrat Party.
This ungodly mess had it's start with the Robber Barons of the late 1800's, continued on through WWI where it's roots were firmly planted by Woodrow Wilson when they played up to his extreme ego, basically tricking him into creating the Federal Reserve on Dec,23,1913, and the IRS as it's enforcement arm. This was the beginning of the then moderately embedded liberal faction, to start financing the takeover.
The next move was the Stock Market Crash in October 1929, forcing America into the Great Depression. The Socialist/Marxist/Millionaire regime installed FDR who brought in massive Bureaucratic Government Control over America. A little admitted to fact about FDR and then Depression was that the economy was starting to rebound when FDR initiated all the Socialist ideology and controls. Those controls extended the Depression until WWII broke out, and wartime standards cemented enhanced beraucratic governmental controls over America. The Rothschild banking house incerted itself, and somehow managed to make loans to both sides and commng out the winner, regardless which side won. They used the lessons learned with financing both sided during the Napoleonic wars to accomplish this, and instilled the NWO/Marxist/Millionaire regime into a firmer control.
That regime needed to consolidate their American control into World Control so they used the Marxist/Communist faction to create a conflict between the East and the West during the Cold War Era and made billions on it. Since Gorbachev changed the Soviet Union into the Russian Federation, Congress and the Democrats have been manipulated and possibly bought outright, to encourage people to rent everything and "Own Nothing And Be Happy". That translates out to I will own everything and you will have to rent it from me at rates I determine. That political philosophy came straight out of Marxist/Communist beliefs.
Right now, anyone with sense enough to pour water out of a boot, can see where the regime is step by step forcing a takeover with a complete change of rules. If the American people don't take a forceful stand now and stop the regime, we will have nothing!
There are some critical things we need to do;
1. We need to back Trump's Executive Order Play's by Contacting our Congressional Representatives and demanding they enact them into law.
2. We need to let Trump know what our list of priorities are.
3. This one's extremely important; Unite and Demand our State Legislatures petition Congress for an Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention so the people can propose Amendments that put Trumps executive orders into the Constitution as Amendments.
A states Article-V would prevent Congress from changing anything in the amendments the states decided to include; Like Term Limits.
Balanced Budget with time limit on enacting and severe penalties if Congress did not meet time limits.
Repealing the 16th and 17th amendments.
Ending Anchor Babies automatically becoming Citizens.
Removing Congresses ability to vote themselves a pay raise or exempt themselves from the laws they pass without a vote by the people.
Earmarking 10% of collected taxes to be applied to the national debt until it's paid off.
Outlaw Continuing Resolutions.
End Automatic Funding.
Write bills in Plain English with a single subject limited to five pages.
Just to list a few.
The same safeguards that constrain Congress when they call a convention, constrain a States convention too!
I saved the most Important for last; To reverse the "WOKE" perverse agendas the Left has imposed on America Since Obama took office, America desperately needs to Return to God, and begin keeping his Commandments again. To take them out of a religious context and look at them from a secular point of view, you can see where their basic message and intent, is to create not a perfect society, but a workable society, which will last as long as they are observed in everyday life.
I believe that God gave us this Last Chance to redeem ourselves and put everything back in order the Left has torn asunder. I also believe this is the Last Chance We Will Get! Don't wait for others to do it, we havbe became the 'others'.
The Tradesman