A lunatic devildemocommiecrat "representative" in the U S House of "representatives" has come out and praised transportation secretary pete buttplug for spending tax dollars to develop female crash test dummies to create "gender equity" in crash tests (https://valiantnews.com/2023/04/purple-haired-us-rep-female-crash-test-dummies-needed-to-fight-gender-inequity-in-crash-victims/?utm_source=Valiant%20News%20Alpha&utm_medium=email&utm_content=subscriber_id:43364475&utm_campaign=1682046037%20Biden%20Orders%20%27Operat...).  Not only is buttplug eradicating "racist" roads but has now decided to check another nonsense box to appease deceived lunatics.  Tucker Carlson pointed out on his April 20, 2023 program that this is actually "transphobic", pointing out that the politically correct thing to do would be to put lipstick on male dummies and "identify" them as female.  That way the "trans" community can be "represented" as well without wasting tens of millions of tax dollars but wasting tax dollars is something devildemocommiecrats do on purpose.

I thought I had already heard the most asinine words that could come out of the mouth of a devildemocommiecrat but they never cease to amaze me at how they can continually outdo the last moron to open their mouth and exhibit their stupidity.  Those people are EVIL!  They hate God, hate America, and hate the idea of freedom for anyone but themselves.  Their god complex is so whacked out they can't form coherent thoughts, much less voice any worth hearing. 

I have not heard anything worth hearing nor paying attention to from a devildemocommiecrat in decades and don't expect that to change.  All true democrats were purged decades ago, leaving room and acceptance only for very radical marxist globalists in the party.  Sadly, as the devildemocommiecrat party has lurched in that direction steadily since John and Robert Kennedy were murdered back in 1963 and 1968 respectively for opposing the new world order , the gop establishment has also lurched left to appease the marxist globalists and to curry favor with the Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists that cover for and propagandize for the devildemocommiecrats. 

I believe that once the global government is established that the devildemocommiecrats, and certainly the gop establishment TRAITORS will be eradicated along with the rest of the American population.  The marxist globalists aren't likely to appease the "woke" agenda of the global dictators by accepting the "trans gender" nonsense and trying to appease every splinter group that has been created by devildemo-commiecrats in the last 60 years or so.  The marxist globalists Tyrants always use their first days in power to eradicate those they see as a threat and those who fall for "wokeness" are weak minded, easily manipulated people who could very easily be turned against those they helped seize control.  Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, and every other 20th Century despot immediately murdered their "useful idiots" once their usefulness had ended.  I see no reason to believe that this situation would be any different.  I have seen dictators do this several times in my 73 years and am very familiar with the history of the world, especially the brutal tyranny of the last century and the first quarter of this one.

I believe in the saying that "those who forget history are doomed to repeat it" and the morons who either don't know or choose to ignore the last 100 + years of world history are bound to experience the tyranny they are so happy to impose on We the People.  They believe they are exempt from victimhood by virtue of their "god" status but I don't subscribe to the exalted status they heap on themselves and I don't believe the tyrants they bring to power will either, not if history is any judge.

The "progressive" left isn't smart enough to see the handwriting on the wall and are too stupid and arrogant to consider they might face the consequences of their actions.  They like to call themselves "progressives" but they are regressive, seeking to take America back to colonial days when Americans were merely servants of a dictatorial king in England.  I am old and disabled but will fight them with everything I have, intellectually and with my very limited physical ability.

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

Bob Russell

Claremore, Oklahoma

April 21, 2023


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