Censure is not enough... throw him out of the GOP and move to have him expelled from Congress.
Get the Legislature 'of KY to challenge McConnell's Kentucky residency... By doing so, he can be removed from Congress, if he can't prove he spent 183 days in residence. A Kentucky Resident is an individual that spends at least 183 days in Kentucky during the tax year. It is very possible that McConnel may not qualify as a Ky Resident.
McConnell most certainly spends more than half his time annually in DC... and can not possibly prove habitation in KY for the requisite 183days to qualify as a Ky resident. Make McConnel prove he meets the residency requirement. Residency is the legal means to establish habitation. The Congressional record should show McConnell's attendance in the Senate makes it impossible for him to be in Kentucky 183days out of the year.
File a Writ of Quo Warranto with Kentucky and the federal court in DC... to have McConnell removed as a US Senator for failing to maintain a lawful residence in KY as required by the US Constitution. Let's kick this bum out of the US Senate.
Requirements to be a U.S. Senator are established in Article I, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution. State residency and habitation requirements are established by State law and in Ky it is 183days a year... to qualify as being a resident/inhabitant of Ky.
Circulate this post and someone with standing may challenge McConnel's residency and have him removed from office with a writ of Quo Warranto.