Speaker Johnson did not need to force a vote to extend surveillance of us citizens... 278,000 searches have been conducted without a warrant. 

Speaker Johnson needed to do nothing but table the FISA renewal... and it would have EXPIRED on its own.  He could not even do that. Johnson is not... IS NOT a conservative.  REMOVE HIM... we will be better off with no speaker... 

Everyone write your member of Congress and get them to remove Speaker Johnson... The outcome with a Demcrat Speaker would be of no difference... we don't need the leaders of our team betraying us.  Johnson has proven to be unable to uphold conservative values and has sided with every Marxist and Globalist legislative act... of any importance.


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  • Now Section 702 is back in the news as Congress weighs its reauthorization. With the statute set to expire December 31, 2023, Congress was unable to pass a longer-term reauthorization, instead passing a short-term reauthorization. It’s now set to sunset April 19, 2024, unless lawmakers renew it a third time.
  • Done.

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