
  • What we have in this country is a racist black thug problem.

    • For sure !!  Do we meet violence with violence or turn the other cheek? I guess that depends on whether one wants to live on his knees or stand up and defend our right to live on our feet....

    • Marlene, AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!  I believe God is with them because of what they are doing and how they are doing it!!!!!  I pray for them every day, that God will grant them favor, His and the people's, and in this case my prayers have been answered!!!!!!!!!!


    • Great news to hear it is growing!!!!!Those who criticize and mock them are full of hot air, and the air is putrid!!!!!  Bragging about having a "plan" is just cheap talk but these people have put their plan into action and I admire and thank them for doing more than talk big!!!!!  I have neither the physical nor financial ability to help them but would if I could!!!!!!!!!!  You have taken a lot of heat for supporting them and I admire and thank you for standing your ground in adament support for them, support that is very deserved!!!!!!!!!!


    • Marlene, I don't think they will listen because We the People are irrelevant to them but I will call anyway!!!!!  The elections are so corrupt the gop establishment hacks know they are our only option other than devildemocommiecrats!!!!!  One of the national "reps" told me a few years ago, "what are you going to do vote for democrats if you don't like what I do?"!!!!!  That is how arrogant most of them are!!!!!!!!!!  I will call them tomorrow


    • Marlene, "affirmative action" is descrimination based on skin color, something that is supposed to be illegal but then the satanic left says it is okay to descriminate against skin color they don't like!!!!!I was almost a victim of it in 1972 but my status as a veteran put aptitude tests back into play and I got the job based on intelligence and spent 32 years there!!!!!  Merit based hiring is the only right way to do it but the satanists do everything the wrong way!!!!!  God bless you and keep up the good fight!!!!!!!!!!


    • In the world of Both Obama/ Biden they ARE, I should say Dumb and Dumber or Pinky and the Brain both are equally idiots and this Biden admin really is Obamas 3rd term because 60% of Bidens admin are former Obama people Obama is like The wizzard of OZ behind the curtain.

  • What the hell did they expect to happen after they spent the last two years teaching kids to judge each other by the color of their skin? When they teach them to hate because of what a minor portion of the population engaged in, when they are taught that the sins of their ancestors are their sins. If this garbage is not stopped now the results will be horrific.

  • It is just the beginning.  The worst is yet to come.  We cannot allow one wrong to be replaced by another wrong.  If it is not dealt with kids will die.  

  • how quickly they forget the words of mlk 

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