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  • Criminals do what criminals do... and obeying gun laws are not what criminals are famous for doing... The MSM are brain-dead zombies who report what they are TOLD TO REPORT... they are not journalists. They are propagandists.

  • I am going to assume that all of the peope reading this post are in tune with the take over of this country by communists. It has been in the plans for welll over 50 years now. A little bit at a time. Provacatuers are doing these shootings. They don't give a damn how many children or adults die just so they can fearmonger the low information idiots. What is going to happen is Biden is going to call in the UN troops to go after the guns. An emergency, false flag operation will happena dn Biden will declare a national emergency and tell us to turn in our guns. Of course we won't, so he will use the UN. Don't think he won't do it. Biden is a puppet for the globalists. I suggest going to you tube and in the search bar type in "Amerika" TV mini series. Use that exact wording. You will find the mini-series in 10 segments. Start with the first one and work your way to the end. It is a 10 hour show. Back in 1985 when it came out it was on TV for 5 nights. It will show you what they have planned. It stars Chris Christopherson, Robert Urek, and some othe main stream actors from the day. 

    • Allen you absolutely correct in what you say... Powder up, gear up, its coming!

  • We can pass all the gun legislation we want and its not going to end what is happening across our country, The left in our country have convinced themselves that gun control is the answer, Wonder why they never mention CHICAGO which has the most rigid gun control in the country and nothing has changed in that city. The underlying factor remains Mental Illness with many and with children with guns its like of  discipline and inmstruction within the home, Now we have prosecutors  across the country letting criminals out of jail no bond even before the arresting officer has finished the paperwork. Accountability and taking responsibility must come before anything is going to change. This police chief is correct gun control laws didnt stop what happened and wont in the future. KNEE JERK REACTION IS NOT THE,  ANSWER. A serious discussion about MENTAL HEALTH CARE and taking responsibility is what is needed.. As for public and private schools all across our country there is absolutely no reason why our schools should ever be a place where a child is not safe , We send BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars to nations around the world while at the same time ignoring the safety of our children instead of supporting  those around the world, Why cant we build better more modern schools with the latest and greatest safety equipment and put in place security measures to protect our children. Always after each and every needless tragedy we spend months discussing why it happened  and then ignore the issue of ensuring it doesnt happen again and once again we get the knee jerk reaction from gun control  supporters.Gun ownership is a very serious matter and anyone that owns guns must take responsibility to ensure they are kept in a safe place and that no child should ever have access to them unsupervised. Taking guns away from responsible owners will only ensure theat unresponsible people have them .

  • This guy is terrific! We all need to think like that.....we all used to think like that before we were told we have to be more concerned about feelings than facts!

  • Use a gun in the commission of a crime?  Mandatory jail.  Use a gun a second time?  Much longer jail sentence.  It's a small minority comminting these crimes.  Lock 'em up and watch the crime rate go down.  Their mandatory jail sentences will be a wake-up call to their followers and peers, and the crime rate will drop even further.

  • No truer words spoken,  the sheriff hit the nail on the head....

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