
  • Time to show the world that there are 50 states in the United States and the Constitution of the United States is the law of the land time to clean house and make America for what God want it to be 

  • Such is the conclusion of Modern Medical Science. In the Short Past, Medical Science conducted a "Test" of Fleas. In a Dry Aquarium full of Fleas, a group of Medical Scientists shouted "Jump!" And the Fleas Jumped! The Medical Scientists then removed the legs from all of the Fleas, replaced them in the Aquarium, and shouted "Jump!" The Fleas did not move. The Medical Scientists Conclusion, "If the legs of Fleas are removed, they become deaf!" Somehow very fitting, appropriate and frightening when applied to Today's Situations.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Because Trump knows the deep state's playbook. This is Obama 3.0 x10 on steroids. 

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