Florida Legislature Votes to Strip Disney of Special Privileges
2022-04-22T002553Z_2_LYNXNPEI3L00A_RTROPTP_3_DISNEY-LGBTQ-FLORIDA-400x225.jpghttps://www.daybreakinsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2022-04-22T002553Z_2_LYNXNPEI3L00A_RTROPTP_3_DISNEY-LGBTQ-FLORIDA-600x338.jpg 600w, https://www.daybreakinsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2022-04-22T002553Z_2_LYNXNPEI3L00A_RTROPTP_3_DISNEY-LGBTQ-FLORIDA-450x253.jpg 450w, https://www.daybreakinsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2022-04-22T002553Z_2_LYNXNPEI3L00A_RTROPTP_3_DISNEY-LGBTQ-FLORIDA.jpg 728w" alt="" width="400" height="auto" />

From the story: The bill passed in a 70-38 vote and is now being sent to Governor Ron DeSantis’ (R) office to be signed into law after Florida’s Senate approved the measure yesterday. The special district, known as the Reedy Creek Improvement District, exempts Disney from numerous regulations and taxes and fees which reportedly saves the company tens of millions of dollars per year (Daily Wire). Greg Price: The Florida House has voted to revoke Disney’s special governing status as Democrats in the chamber throw a literal temper tantrum. It’s heading to DeSantis’ desk (Twitter). The Federalist: Disney is reaping its just reward for inserting itself into the political debate about Florida’s parental rights bill, which Disney lost in spectacular fashion. Republican governors and lawmakers across the country should be taking notes (Federalist).

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  • Go after them, hurt their business in every possible way, they need to realize they cannot go on like this!

    Back to decency!

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