
As the case against Michael Flynn is still open, the government may hand over yet more documents dug up by a review of the case ordered by Attorney General William Barr. In fact, according to Flynn’s lead lawyer, Sidney Powell, more documents are coming.

“I heard there’s more to come, more Brady evidence to come,” she told The Epoch Times. Brady evidence refers to exculpatory evidence in the government’s possession that prosecutors are required to provide to the defense.

Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency under the Obama administration and former national security adviser to President Donald Trump, pleaded guilty in December 2017 to lying to the FBI in an interview almost a year prior.

In January, he moved to withdraw his plea. In May, the Department of Justice (DOJ) moved to dismiss the case after the review, led by U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Jensen, uncovered documents suggesting the FBI questioned Flynn to elicit false statements from him, which isn’t a proper investigative purpose.

Since Powell took up the retired three-star Army general’s case a year ago, she has argued that the FBI and DOJ have been withholding exculpatory evidence.

The DOJ’s move to drop the case would ordinarily signal the end of the obligation to provide any more documents, but District Judge Emmet Sullivan, who is presiding over the case, took the unusual step of holding back his approval of the motion to dismiss, and even appointed an amicus curiae (friend of court) to argue against the dismissal.

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