John Brennan Voted Communist in 1976 Then Entered CIA in 1980 CIA ...

Sidney Powell, the tenacious lawyer who corrected the judicial abuse of her client, General Michael Flynn, is reminding us that she and her client believe that he was originally targeted for destruction because he was aiming to investigate what he believes was serious corruption at the CIA under its director John Brennan. Via Lifezette:

Sidney Powell, attorney for retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, said her client, in his duties as the White House national security adviser, was prepared to “audit” the U.S. intelligence community.

That, according to the former federal prosecutor, is partly why federal agents “set up” Flynn.

Powell, who took over Flynn’s defense last summer, told the “Vickie McKenna Show” on 1310 WIBA Madison that her client was “totally set up” because he threatened to expose wrongdoing by top intelligence officials in the Obama administration.

“He was going to audit the intel agencies because he knew about the billions Brennan and company were running off the books,” Powell said, referring to former CIA Director John Brennan.

I have no specific information about these suspicions, but the secrecy necessary for intelligence and counter-intelligence work, when combined with the practice of employing outside contractors for classified work, opens the door to potential financial corruption, simply because secrecy can block auditors from effective investigation and action. Sidney Powell has tremendous credibility, and she would not be mentioning this if there were not a factual and evidentiary basis, in my opinion.

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  • I wish Sidney Powell was A.G. Maybe something would have been done by now. 

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