In the midst of the largest protest movement in U.S. history against racist policing, @curaffairs's @briebriejoy says "there's a great deal of frustration" around Joe Biden's vice presidential pick, Kamala Harris, who is "known for being the top cop from California."
— Democracy Now! (@democracynow) August 12, 2020
We are in the midst of the largest protest movement in American history, the subject of which is excessive policing, and the Democratic Party chose a “top cop” and the author of the Joe Biden crime bill to save us from Trump.
— Briahna Joy Gray (@briebriejoy) August 11, 2020
The contempt for the base is, wow.
We must tell this Antichrist leaders this nation is "One Nation Under God "
it's kind of hard to do that unless if you have a connection to God himself.
and tell it is God and He will make it so.
this proof that the Antichrist is getting ready to be in power within the next few years.
I have a feeling that all military, police, ICE, Border Patrol, etc. will be voting for President Trump in 2020 election!
Good luck with that! nazi piglous is already putting together new election reform to give the commie/marxists the upper hand. Every election will be rigged from here on out. The U.S. Supreme Court has to get off their dfead rearends and declare mail in ballots illegal.
I love news like this because it confirms that Trump will win with a large landslide in November. I don't know anyone who doesn't support Trump no matter what? Do you?
Top Cop should be our battle cry!
Trump or stay home.