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  • It's not about defunding the police, it is about destroying this God created Constitutional Republic of America. The left has been betraying America for decades, systematically rigging elections to get their marxist commie buddies in position of power and influence. They did not start all this treason and sedition when the Legendary Donald J. Trump came along, it started decades ago. Trump is endangering their decades of treason and the system they are trying to foist on America. America stands in the way of total world domination led by the marxists, President Trump stands in the way of the marxists taking over America and turning it into a 3rd world marxist dung heap. For those of you that have awaken and realize that all the conspiracy theories about the left marxists are true. Go to Prime Video, search for this documentary called " The Enemies Within " made in 2016. This documentary will open your eyes and more than likely scare the he!! out of you. Remember, there are a lot of republicans selling their souls as well. The left marxists intent is to murder 6.5 billion people by 2030. They have raped the coffers of America with money laundering schemes that have cost the American taxpayer trillions of dollars. Eventually the information about the obama administration moving America's gold to foreign countries with the intent to steal it will be released. 

  • Exactly, Herschel. I have always found that when it comes down to person-to-person there is no conflict. I can relate to anyone regardless of color, simply because we all share much the same experiences, aspirations and frustrations.  And we all enjoy a sunny day. I went to our local CVS the morning after rioters busted out all the front windows. As I stopped to look at it for a moment a black woman came by and said "what a shame", I agreed and we talked for a moment about how little sense it made to destroy business in the name of some "cause." Get the leaders (including Trump) together, shelve the rhetoric, define the problems that can be adddressed and develop some programs. A  principal difference between revolutionaries and people who truly want reforms within the system is that revolutionaries only want to tear it all down; people who truly want reforms want to preserve what's good and work on correcting that which is not.

  • works for me

  • Very good idea Hershel.


  • I would suggest to send BLM to Africa so they can run wild and free!!

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