Ex-CIA agent living on Oahu accused of spying for China | Honolulu ...

A criminal complaint unsealed on Monday said Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, 67, was arrested in Hawaii on Friday and charged with conspiring with a relative of his — also a former CIA officer, to provide Chinese intelligence with top-secret classified information.... The duo “conspired with each other and multiple PRC intelligence officials to communicate classified national defense information over the course of a decade,” according to court documents.

The FBI’s Honolulu Field Office hired Ma as a Chinese linguist and translator in 2001, and the Justice Department says, for six years, he copied, photographed, and stole classified documents and even took some of the stolen documents with him on his frequent trips to China to provide to his handlers with China’s Ministry of State Security, with Ma coming back to the United States with thousands of dollars in cash and expensive gifts.

The Justice Department said Ma “is charged with conspiracy to communicate national defense information to aid a foreign government and faces a maximum penalty of life imprisonment” if he is found guilty.

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  • He should be executed. 

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