
NEW YORK — A top adviser to New York City Mayor Eric Adams made his living as a legal and real estate consultant for the very type of Russian oligarchs whose luxury Manhattan properties are now the subject of potential seizure by the U.S. government following President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Ed Mermelstein, who advises Adams on global issues, described himself as a “Russian-American” foreign investment attorney and high-end real estate consultant on his business website even though he called himself a “refugee from Ukraine” in a biography on New York University’s website.

“Oligarchs and their socialite wives are quick to purchase pricey pads, looking not to just fill that vanity void, but ... as an investment opportunity too. Manhattan real estate continues to prove to be a safe long term bet as the history of appreciation of these apartments are unlike any other,” Mermelstein wrote in a 2017 op-ed for the luxury living publication “Haute Residence.”


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