
  • The BIDEN administration has no plans to control our border or stop the flow of drugs if it were not fo our BORDER PATROL nothing at all would be done we have an administration that is completely ignoring the consequences of their open border policy and its simply not going to stop as long as they have control the BUCK should stop with JOE BIDEN but he takes no responsibility for his irresponsible behavior he never has and never will. One would think that after 50 yrs in government service that he would have learned something BUT NO.  We will see the next two years of investigations by the Republicans spending millions of taxpayers money all the wasted time investigating with no legislation and in the end just like all other investigations nothing will be accomplished and all the while JOE BIDEN and his incompetent administration will continue destroying our nation, If we want change REAL CHANGE it going to be up to the voters in our nation we MUST DECIDE we have had enough and remove from office those that are destroying our nation. Washington cant and wont solve our problems we must do it ourselves, LIFETIME POLITICIANS only serve themselves they forgot years ago for whom they serve and that includes both political parties. The SWAMP must be drained and only the voters can do that, Dont expect Washington to clean themselves up, WE must clean it up.

  • Marina Van Zeller showed us how it's done. Look it up!

  • We all know Biden won't do anything

    • I bet biden is getting a kickback from it.

    • They are all benefiting.....otherwise it wouldn't be happening!

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